
Dr. Boozman's Check-up

I honored Arkansas Electric Cooperative volunteers who helped provide electric service to remote villages of Guatemala. I recognized their efforts in the Congressional Record with the following statement:

Mr. President, I rise today to recognize the work of 12 power linemen from nine electric cooperatives in Arkansas for their work to bring reliable electricity to citizens in Guatemala. 

The Arkansas linemen dedicated more than two weeks to completely change the lives of more than 1,390 residents in two villages in rural Guatemala – Jolom I’Jix and Zapotal. Through construction activities such as installation of poles, distribution transformers, household connections and meters, these volunteers extended the electric distribution system four miles, connecting homes to an electric grid powered by a small hydroelectric plant. 

Since 2013, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas volunteers have worked to improve the lives of Guatemalans by providing electricity. The significance of this project stretches to impact numerous aspects of daily life for these residents. Electricity is a critical element in improving the quality of life and to providing healthcare, education, access to clean water, and economic growth. Equipped with this newfound source of electricity, hope for a brighter future exists for subsistence farmers whose main worry is simply providing food for their family. 

This effort, funded by participating co-ops and supporters in Arkansas, continues the state’s storied history of making an impact. By being a beacon of good for these villagers, the linemen were able to engrave a lasting impact, which will help future generations of Guatemalans. 

I offer my sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to make a difference for those who are truly in need. Doug Evans, Will Glover, Kyle Metcalf, Andy Caywood, Michael Counts, Andy Ward, Brent Hufstedler, Kirk Kempson, Joey Burk, Kris Rankin, Paul Garrison and Ryan Hayes; thank you for your dedication and service to helping connect citizens of Guatemala to electric service.