Press Releases
Boozman Praises Committee Passage of Farm Bill
Jun 13 2018
WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement after joining his colleagues on the Senate Agriculture Committee to approve the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which is commonly referred to as the Farm Bill:
“The farm economy is in a much different place than the last time the committee gathered around the table to debate a Farm Bill.
Net farm income is approximately half of what it was then; farm bankruptcies are up by 39 percent since 2014; financing is becoming more expensive; input costs are rising; and the trade outlook is volatile and uncertain.
Farmers, across the country—regardless of which state they reside in and what crops they grow—are hurting. As members of this committee, we must produce a Farm Bill in a timely manner to provide certainty to the folks who feed and clothe our nation and the world.
I commend the leadership of Chairman Roberts and Ranking Member Stabenow. They had a heavy lift to find common ground amongst the committee. The overwhelming bipartisan support at the mark-up shows they were successful in drafting a Farm Bill that meets the diverse needs of producers across all regions of the country.”