
Dr. Boozman's Check-up

Memorial Day

Honoring the Commitment and Bravery of Those Who Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice

May 25 2014

On Memorial Day we recognize the honor, commitment and bravery of the men and women who served our nation in uniform and especially those who gave their lives in defense of our country and its ideals. 

It is our responsibility to recognize those servicemembers who laid down their lives for the freedoms we cherish today. We honor the memories of the generations of Americans who proudly served our country in military service and sacrificed their lives for a better future for our nation and its citizens. 

In laying the foundation of this practice, General John A. Logan Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic wrote in the first Memorial Day order “We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the Nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds.” 

General Logan’s orders are still honored today, nearly 150 years later. On Memorial Day we recognize the sacrifices the men and women of our Armed Forces make while standing in defense of our nation. They do so regardless of the costs, fully aware that they may even make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. 

I am honored to represent a state with the rich military history that we have in Arkansas, as well as the men and women who are called to duty to protect the freedoms we cherish. We are unfortunately, very familiar with the sacrifice our troops make. To the families of those who are missing a loved one today, our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are forever grateful for their last full measure of devotion. 

May God Bless America and the men and women who stand in her defense and those whose heroism has made another day in this great country possible.