
Dr. Boozman's Check-up

The March for Life

Jan 23 2012

The way we treat the voiceless and most powerless among us speaks volumes about our priorities and values as a society.  Today, thousands of Americans flocked to the National Mall to give a voice to those who cannot speak and power to those who cannot defend themselves: the unborn.

From the child in the womb to the hospitalized senior, we share moral responsibility to respect the dignity of all human beings—regardless of their political clout in Washington.  The fact that in our society—the unborn do not receive the most basic of human rights—is what motivates us in the fight for justice.   It is these principles that have been driving thousands of Americans to the National Mall every year on the anniversary of the misguided Roe v. Wade decision.

I want to commend everyone who participated in today’s events on the National Mall as well as the Arkansans who took part in yesterday’s March for Life in Little Rock.  I will continue to stand in defense of the unborn and fight policies that run counter to our nation’s core values.