Press Releases
Arkansas Delegation Presses for Answers from U.S. Air Force
Questions Proposal to Eliminate A-10 Mission at 188th Fighter Wing
Nov 27 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senators Mark Pryor and John Boozman today joined Congressmen Rick Crawford (AR-1), Tim Griffin (AR-2), Steve Womack (AR-3), Mike Ross (AR-4), and Congressman-Elect Tom Cotton (AR-4) to seek answers from U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Welsh about the Air Force’s decision to eliminate the A-10 mission in Fort Smith.
In the letter, the delegation expressed frustration about the U.S. Air Force’s revised force structure proposal that would eliminate the A-10 mission at the 188th Fighter Wing. Since February, the delegation has repeatedly requested the military analysis, readiness study, and budget analysis that led to the Air Force’s decision, but they have yet to receive any detailed information. The delegation has also requested that General Welsh visit Fort Smith so he can see the 188th’s capabilities, readiness level, and superior airspace and facilities first-hand.
The delegation’s letter to General Welsh can be found here.