
Press Releases

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) today announced his committee assignments for the 113th Congress.

In the 113th Congress, Boozman will be serving on the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee; the Appropriations Committee; the Environment and Public Works Committee; and the Veterans Affairs Committee.

“I am honored to serve on these important committees in the new session of Congress and am excited about what we can accomplish for Arkansans on these committees,” Boozman said. 

Boozman on his appointment to the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee:
“Agriculture is our state’s number one industry so I am pleased to be back on the Agriculture Committee in the 113th Congress.  Right out of the gate, we will have to come up with a new long-term farm bill to ensure that Arkansas’s farmers, ranchers and loggers can plan for the future with certainty. I look forward to tackling that challenge.”

Boozman on his appointment to Appropriations Committee:
“The Appropriations Committee is going to be in the thick of the fight over spending cuts as we try to head off sequestration and consider the President’s request to raise the debt ceiling. We must get our financial house in order.  We cannot continue to borrow 46 cents of every dollar we spend.”  

Boozman on his appointment to the Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW):
“Infrastructure is critical to economic development and the EPW Committee has control over this area at the federal level.  I believe we can truly help our great state from this committee, as well as exercise oversight on the Administration to prevent them from forcing burdensome regulations on Arkansas’s farmers and small business owners.”

Boozman on his appointment to the Veterans Affairs Committee:
“In both my time serving on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, and now during my first two years on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, we have been able to accomplish a lot for our veterans.  However, much work remains to be done on behalf of Arkansas’s veterans, including enhancements to veterans’ healthcare and jobs for servicemembers transitioning to civilian life.  Healthcare and unacceptable waiting times for benefit decisions will be among my priorities. The Veterans Affairs Committee has an excellent bipartisan track record and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to assist our veterans in any way that we can.”