Press Releases
Boozman Recognized by U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Mar 31 2011
Contact: Patrick Creamer (202) 224-4843
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce awarded its prestigious “Spirit of Enterprise” award to Senator John Boozman for supporting a pro-job creation agenda while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives during the second session of the 111th Congress.
The award recognizes lawmakers who supported the Chamber’s position on at least 70% of the 11 key votes in the House, including opposing the President’s health care reform legislation, opposing the flawed financial regulation reform bill and supporting the extension of the tax cuts that were set to expire at the end of last year.Boozman has a cumulative 94 percent record of supporting the position of the U.S. Chamber as a Member of Congress.
“Everyone in Washington needs to be focused on job creation. Our mantra has to be ‘jobs, jobs, jobs.’ There are millions of hardworking Americans that want to be back at work. While the government doesn’t create jobs, we do have a responsibility as legislators to create an environment that fosters economic growth so the private sector can create jobs. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce plays a vital role in that process and I am grateful for its support,” Boozman said upon receiving the award.
The award was presented to Boozman by Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber.
“The Chamber is honored to recognize Senator Boozman for helping create an environment in which businesses can grow and create jobs,” Donohue said “He has shown great conviction by standing on the side of business, at a time when it matters most. Today we honor him.”