Press Releases
Contact: Sara Lasure (202) 224-4843
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) announced his support for legislation that opens closed areas of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve for energy exploration and production, generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and creating millions of new jobs.
3D: The Domestic Jobs, Domestic Energy and Deficit Reduction Act of 2011, frees up natural resources and provides American companies the opportunity to create jobs and encourage economic recovery.
“We need policies that put our nation on the path to energy independence. This is a commonsense solution that not only achieves this but it also allows us to utilize our capabilities and resources to provide hardworking Americans with job opportunities,” Boozman said.
While President Obama has effectively shut down offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, refused to act on stalled onshore permits, dramatically increased environmental regulation, the 3-D Act would open up American resources to development, funnel some of the revenue into renewable and alternative energy sources, and streamline existing environmental regulations which have thwarted development across the country.
“Yesterday, the president offered some vague platitudes, but no concrete plans to rein in rising gas prices, even as they climb toward $4 per gallon. Today, we’re laying out a far different path by introducing our legislation. The 3-D Act would unleash our vast domestic energy potential to create American jobs, help free us from our reliance on foreign oil and begin to reduce our $14 trillion dollar national debt. Louisianians know how our domestic energy supplies can be a powerful job-creating force, and dozens of energy producers are willing and able to begin work quickly and safely to develop those untapped resources,” said Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), sponsor of the legislation.
The Senate bill has 30 cosponsors. Rep. Ron Bishop (R-UT) introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives.