Press Releases
Boozman Joins Effort to Block Implementation of Administration’s "Time Card" Overtime Rule
Jun 08 2016
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman this week helped introduced legislation under the Congressional Review Act to block implementation of the administration’s “Time Card Rule,” also known as the Overtime Rule. This overreach would have workers punching the clock when they come and go from work ultimately leading to diminished salaries for those the Administration believes it is helping. Workers will be unable to negotiate flexible work arrangements and will have diminished opportunities for upward mobility in the workplace. It will also cost many colleges millions of dollars per year in additional operating costs, potentially raising tuition for college students.
“We need to modernize our overtime rules but this irresponsible, job stifling regulation is not the appropriate way forward. This is another example of the administration’s top down approach to governing that doesn’t include input from stakeholders and ultimately harms American workers. This is a bad rule for employees, employers, nonprofits, colleges and universities and it needs to be stopped,” Boozman said.
In 2015, the Department of Labor (DOL) released a proposal to increase the salary threshold under which employees qualify for overtime pay. DOL’s final rule released last month, which more than doubles that salary threshold – from $23,660 to $47,476 - will result in workers having less flexibility and opportunity for advancement in the workplace, and students facing higher tuition costs.
The legislation, introduced by Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), under the Congressional Review Act, would nullify the administration’s final rule if passed, and prohibit the administration from issuing a substantially similar rule without congressional approval.
The legislation is cosponsored by more than 40 Senators.