
Press Releases

WASHINGTON— U.S. Senators John Boozman (R-AR) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) helped secure Senate passage of their bipartisan Every Kid Outdoors Extension Act as part of the larger Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act, recreation legislation that also passed the House and will now go to the president’s desk to be signed into law.  

“Our youth deserve the opportunity to learn about and explore our national parks and develop an appreciation for the lands and resources that help define our nation. I am proud to see my colleagues recognize the benefits of facilitating outdoor adventure and education for children and families. I look forward to the extension of this significant program,” said Boozman.

“As a father and a former outdoor educator, I know how much of a difference getting outside can make for our kids,” said Heinrich. “Since we passed my original Every Kid Outdoors Act into law five years ago, thousands of children and their families have been inspired to visit our public lands in New Mexico and all across the country. By keeping this program going, our public lands can continue serving as outdoor classrooms with endless opportunities for children to learn and families to make new memories.” 

Starting in 2015, the U.S. Department of the Interior has offered fourth graders and their families free entrance to all federally managed public lands. 

The authorization under the original legislation is currently scheduled to expire in 2026. Once signed into law, Boozman and Heinrich’s Every Kid Outdoors Extension Act will extend free access to national parks and other public lands to all American fourth grade students and their families through 2031. 

The Every Kid Outdoors program has been wildly successful at encouraging tens of thousands of children and their families to explore America’s public lands, waters and historic sites, including national parks – more than 2,000 sites in all. In 2023, Every Kid Outdoors vouchers helped create free admission for 9,896 visits to public lands by Arkansans.  

The Every Kid Outdoors Extension Act garnered widespread support, including endorsements from The Wilderness Society, the Sierra Club and the Outdoor Alliance for Kids.