Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Senator John Boozman today delivered a speech encouraging Congressional members selected to hammer out differences in the Senate and House payroll tax bills to include language that would protect thousands of American jobs.
Boozman, a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, spoke in support
of adjusting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule on Maximum Achievable Control Technology standards for Boilers, more commonly referred to as Boiler MACT, in the payroll tax bill.
“By addressing Boiler MACT on this bill, we can further protect jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, and prevent our country from having to absorb one more sudden regulatory punch in the gut,” Boozman said in the speech.
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The EPA issued very expensive and strict regulations to cover industrial and commercial boilers, but these jeopardize thousands of jobs nationwide including 3,600 in Arkansas. In addition the rules drive up the cost of business across the country.
Congress needs to take a reasonable approach that “gives the EPA the time it needs to develop rules that are actually achievable and that can be implemented on a timeline that will protect important manufacturing jobs in our country,” Boozman said in the speech.
Boozman cosponsored S. 1392, the EPA Regulatory Relief Act, which aims to fix EPA’s Boiler MACT rule.
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