
Dr. Boozman's Check-up

Abuses at the IRS, the farm bill advances, the water resources bill clears the Senate and much more in this edition of the “Week in Review.”

  • Zero Tolerance:  Everyone needs to be treated fairly under the law. Clearly, there are employees at the IRS who do not subscribe to this principle. There must be zero tolerance for the actions of those individuals.

  • Ag Committee Passes New Farm Bill: This week in the Senate Agriculture Committee, we passed a bipartisan farm bill with my support. Learn more about this important legislation in this episode of “From the Mailbag.”

  • Water Resources Bill Passes Senate: This week, the Senate adopted the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), a major water resources law that included two of my amendments.
  • National Police Week:  This week is National Police Week. I thank the law enforcement officers in Arkansas and across the country who dedicate their lives to protecting our children and communities and seek to bring criminals to justice.
  • Fighting Against Food Insecurity:  I appreciate the efforts of the Congressional Hunger Center which continues to be a leader in fight against hunger this front. I’m grateful to have been honored as the recipient of their “Bill Emerson & Mickey Leland Hunger Leadership Award” this week.