Dr. Boozman's Check-up
ICYMI: Annual Ag Tour in the News
Aug 26 2016
My annual agriculture tour highlighted the importance of this industry and allows me to hear the concerns of rural America. The answers to issues impacting the agriculture industry need to come from the ground up. Nobody is more suited to explain the problems and offer solutions better than the people who work in the industry. These stories from the road highlight of some those problems and, more importantly, solutions that were offered up during the tour.
Delta Farm Press - Passing 2018 farm bill may take different tack, Sen. Boozman says
NE Arkansas Town Crier - Wildy Farms included in U.S. Senator's Agriculture on Tour
KASU - Boozman visits KASU studio for monthly talk
The Evening Times - Boozman Agri Tour Includes Stop in West Memphis
UA Monticello – U.S. Senator John Boozman Visits Campus