
Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement response to President Obama’s request of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to unilaterally move forward with new net neutrality rules: 

“We live in a world where we no longer have to wait for the morning edition of the paper to read the latest news. We don’t have to wait for a delivery from the postman to get a message from a loved one. We don’t have to get in our car and head to a store to get a movie to watch or to shop for clothes, books and groceries. We have the ability to do these from the comfort of our homes thanks to the Internet.

These changes have come about, not through government fiat, but as a result of a hands-off policy that has allowed innovation to thrive. The ideas that the President is pushing will dramatically alter that dynamic at the expense of the consumer. His approach will stifle innovation, investment and ultimately lead to job losses in an industry that should be creating the next generation of career opportunities. Instead of relying on outdated laws to increase federal regulations and stifle job creation, Washington should focus on a pro-innovation agenda that promotes economic growth.”