Press Releases
Boozman Recognizes National Small Business Week
May 04 2015
WASHINGTON— U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement in recognition of National Small Business Week and the contributions of Arkansas small businesses on our state’s economy.
“This week marks the 52nd annual National Small Business Week, a time to celebrate the innovations, ideas and hard work of our entrepreneurs. Representing nearly 97 percent of employers and 50 percent of the private-sector labor force in Arkansas, small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They embody core values at the heart of America - hard work and risk are rewarded with a better, more secure future.
I am proud to recognize the efforts of Joel Johnson, President of P.I. Roofing in North Little Rock, who was named the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2015 Arkansas Small Business Person of the Year. Joel and his wife Veronica started the company in 2001. Thanks to the Johnsons' hard work, determination and ingenuity, they have built a successful business.
Arkansas is full of innovators who are launching and running prosperous small businesses. I meet with these owners and groups that represent the interests of these engines of our economy in Washington, and as I travel around Arkansas. As a former small business owner, I understand the difficulties small businesses face when planning for future growth and investment in an uncertain regulatory environment.
In Washington, we need to provide small business owners with predictability and create an economic environment that encourages job growth, creation and development. Our state is blessed with talented people willing to build opportunities to help improve our state and our nation’s economy, and I will continue pursing policies that support the entrepreneurial spirit.”