Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) voted today to delay the implementation of President Obama’s health care law by prohibiting funding to carry it out.
“Washington is not in the position to take on the massive, multi-trillion dollar price tag that comes with the President’s health care law, nor is our economy,” Boozman said. “We need to find ways to cut spending, not substantially increase it. We need to reduce the tax burden on our small business owners, not dramatically raise it. It is unwise to create a new healthcare entitlement program given the challenges facing the important programs that already exist—mainly Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Implementing this law not only takes us in the wrong direction, and it does little to contain the cost of health care, which is the real root of the problem.”
The vote, called on an amendment Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered to the Continuing Resolution, failed by a vote of 45-52.