Press Releases
WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) was honored today by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for supporting free market efforts to move the economy forward.
“As the economy continues to struggle, job creation remains the name of the game. I appreciate that the Chamber’s recognizes that some of us in Washington understand that putting Americans back to work needs to remain our top priority. Keeping Washington focused on job creation can be difficult at times, but the Chamber plays vital role in that process and we are grateful for its efforts,” Boozman said upon receiving the Chamber’s “Spirit of Enterprise” award.
For the last twenty-six years, the Chamber’s “Spirit of Enterprise” award has been given to members of Congress on an annual basis for supporting the organization’s key votes.
This year, the Chamber scored eight Senate votes including votes to delay the employer mandate provision of Obamacare, increase access to domestic energy sources and oppose efforts to replace spending cuts with tax increases.
The award was presented to Boozman by Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber.