
U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) delivered this speech in honor of the service and sacrifice of Russellville, Arkansas native, SSgt David Wyatt, a U.S. Marine killed by a gunman at a military facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

In a Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee hearing considering the nominations of individuals for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) positions, Senator Boozman asked Thomas Burke who is nominated to be Assistant Administrator of the Office of Research and Development of the EPA about collaboration with the National Center for Toxicological Research. This facility is located in Jefferson, Arkansas near Pine Bluff.

Boozman also asked Burke if he would commit to work with members of Congress for commonsense reforms to strengthen the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). In February, Boozman and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) introduced the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act to improve confidence in the fairness and transparency of EPA regulations and rulemaking.

Flag Education

Jun 11 2015

My staff presents a program to Arkansas elementary students about the importance of the American and Arkansas flags and what the symbols on these patriotic symbols represent. During the 2014-2015 school year my staff was in more than 50 classrooms around the state. This is a presentation before third, fourth and fifth grade students at Stuttgart's St. John's Lutheran.
Senator Boozman read this joint opening statement in a Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee hearing on “Oversight of Scientific Advisory Panels and Processes at the Environmental Protection Agency.” The subcommittee was considering S. 543, the Science Advisory Board Act of 2015 introduced by Boozman and Senator Joe Manchin.

Operation Reboot

May 13 2015

Senator Boozman visited Operation Reboot, a Rogers-based organization that donates household furnishings to veterans transitioning to housing. 
For 56 years members of the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce have come to Washington, DC to talk with members of the Arkansas Congressional Delegation. Boozman met with members during their annual fly-in on Wednesday, April 22.