Weekly Columns
May 2014
Date | Title |
5/5/14 | Working Together to Pick up the Pieces |
April 2014
Date | Title |
4/30/14 | Making Sound Financial Decisions |
4/25/14 | Celebrate Our National Parks |
4/18/14 | Protecting Water Resources |
4/11/14 | Tele-Town Halls: Staying In-Touch and Helping Arkansans While in Washington |
4/4/14 | Scam Alert |
March 2014
Date | Title |
3/28/14 | Red Cross Month is Reminder to be Prepared |
3/21/14 | There's a Code for That |
3/14/14 | Dear Senator: Answering Your Questions |
3/7/14 | Keep the Promise by Putting Veterans Funding First |